Friday, July 5, 2024

Favorite Color Combinations

It's interesting when I think about color combinations and my favorite ones. A card that combines all the colors of the rainbow is my absolute favorite, likely because I don't have a true favorite. I love all the colors for different reasons, and like my children (or my pets) . . . it's hard to define a favorite!

The As You See It Challenge this week was "favourite colour combo and why". The "why" was the compelling part of this, because many of the combinations of colors just make me happy. But the combination of blues and greens makes me both happy and I find it calming. So that's why I chose it for this challenge . . . because I could explain a hefty why!

I pulled some old product for this one. A bit of a composition notebook . . . 

I just find blues and greens to be so calming and peaceful. 

I did use a few shades, but stuck to the blue and green (and stayed away from the full rainbow). 

I hope you can connect with some colors today.



Supplies Used - Just Wanted You to Know . . .

Stamps and Dies:  Composition Notebook Background Stamp, Composition Label Dies, Composition Sentiment Stamps and Spiral Notebook Border Die (Catherine Pooler Designs);

Ink & Embossing:  Suede Shoes, Lime Rickey, Aquatini and Something Borrowed (Catherine Pooler Inks);

Paper:  Premium White Cardstock (Catherine Pooler);

Other: Crater Lake Sequins (Catherine Pooler); Golden Era Glacier Paste (Nuvo); 

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